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Institute for Specialized and Adult Education n. o. - ISAE

Inštitút pre odborné vzdelávanie a vzdelávanie dospelých (Institute for Specialized and Adult Education n. o. - ISAE.) is a non-profit organization which aims to coordinate professional education of teaching the Hungarian language in Slovakia as well as to provide courses for adults in different fields. The institution has two main residences: the university towns Kosice and Komárno. Kosice is the second biggest town in Slovakia, Komárno is situated next to the Hungarian border. The majority of the courses are organized in Komárno area, but courses are also provided all over Slovakia.
Komárno’s minority rate is 6O% Hungarians, 4O% Slovaks. The city has a theatre playing in the Hungarian language to which visits are organized by ISAE for elderly people, students and socially disadvantaged people. The institution organizes lectures, short courses in both languages, for young, adult and senior people. This way the synergic coexistence of both nations and all ages are ensured. Office and teaching facilities are in the town centre with easy access on foot or by bus from all areas of the town.

The institute provides free information on project opportunities, life-long learning programmes in Slovakia, study possibilities at secondary level as well as at university level.

ISAE plays a key role in initiating new teaching programmes and facilitating the dissemination of new methods among teaching centres in Slovakia. ISAE is also the coordinator for quality management implementation in secondary professional schools. The institute also has an ISO 9001-2000 qualification.

Video: Good Schools

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