This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The Department has a two-fold aim:

a. to provide Quality Teaching and Initial Training and preparation for its students,

b. to promote Educational Research and pedagogic applications




The following are in accordance with the Annual Report of the Department's Research Activities and the Final Report of the Internal Evaluation Programme of the year 2009, publiced on the Department webpage The Department is second in the list for External Evaluation and Rating (by EU officers).


1. Conferences and Symposia:  30 [by the end of 2010]


2. Research programmes financed either by the University Research Committee, the Ministry of Education or the EU: 4 [completed], 3 [in progress], and 5 [waiting for final funding approval]


3. Research Laboratories: the Department holds and runs successfully 4 Research Laboratories:

a. Pedagogical-Educational Research  and Applications, b. Research in Psychology,

c. Research on Drama and Artistic/Aesthetics Education, d. Music and Psycho-kinetics Education


4. Cooperation with other Universities: The Department cooperates on Research with several universities in the following countries: UK, Austria, Germany, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Malta, Spain, Poland, Lithuania, Finland, Canada, the USA and Cyprus. In addition, the 30 [at the moment] Department teaching staff also lecture in most of the above mentioned universities, at least once an academic year.


5. The Department also houses and runs successfully the "In-service Preschool Teachers Training Centre". The Centre specializes in a/ General Education Preschool Curricula and Praxis, b/ Education for Special Needs young children, with emphasis on Early Intervention Programmes


Video: Good Schools

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