This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Domains of school leadership

The following five core domains divide leadership issues into broad categories. These are then subdivided into components. The components are in turn linked to examples of good practice qualification modules from various European countries.


Schools are built on relations with the outside world. Hence school leaders have a responsibility to convey external expectations to the school and to implement them by adjusting and adapting them to the specific mission of the school, thereby cultivating acceptance.

Leading is the major task of school heads in the sense of ‘leading the way ...’ and ‘being at the head of ...’. Leadership is an interactive business. Woods (2005) phrases it this way: “... the essence of leadership is not the individual social actor but a relationship of almost imperceptible directions, movements and orientations having neither beginning nor end."

While reciprocity is fundamental to such relationships, the defining contribution to an organization is the “emergence of a shared sense of direction along with perceptible influence, eventually, on organizational members to move in that direction” (Leithwood & Day, 2007). Leadership does not work in a vacuum: There are many legitimate and legal expectations from stakeholders outside and inside schools that create, limit and direct the work. Many of these expectations contradict each other, and many external assumptions and demands as well as structures can seem strange or meaningless to professional cultures. This puts school leaders in a position where they need to interpret, translate and elucidate external demands in order to facilitate sense-making and create a shared sense of direction in their schools.

Teachers, not leaders, are the most important people for assisting and furthering student learning. School leaders should therefore make an effort to provide optimal teaching conditions for staff members and also give teachers themselves the possibility to work towards ideal educational relations with students.

This means that the primary aim should be to design school structures and cultures that support teacher capacity building and learning. School leaders can have general and specific influences here, for example by implementing continuous personal development or providing in-service training opportunities for teachers, by defining the pedagogical vision of the school and developing pedagogical practices, by implementing quality assurance, and also by interacting closely with teachers and teacher teams on a daily basis.

Given the fact that teaching, learning and leading take place in organizations, it is an important task for school leaders to structure and culture schools. The main responsibility is to adjust structures to the intentions and culture of teaching and learning so that they support instead of hinder the work.

Schools are organizations with clearly defined structures, but if they are to be effective and successful, they must also be communities, held together by a sufficiently shared sense of identity and by sufficiently common norms. Classrooms and schools are social fields, and education and learning take place in these social fields. Loyalty and commitment to the organization are not by any means felt automatically by members of an institution, so building, maintaining and deepening them is a leader’s duty and mission. If staff and students are to behave loyally to their organization, leaders should work hard to shape it, so that all members can commit themselves to the ethos of their community.

School leaders thus have structural as well as cultural responsibilities. The structural part of their work comprises planning and managing human and material / financial resources, and it also includes developing ideal procedures of communication and decision-making. Their cultural responsibilities involve the creation of a corporate identity.

Schools do not only rely on the expectations from the outside world, but they also need to collaborate with institutions, agencies and authorities in order to fulfil their educational tasks.

Schools are highly dependent on their environments, be they political, administrative, community-related, professional or cultural. Therefore it is very important for school leaders to manage and conduct relations with the outside world. They must be able to understand and interpret signals and expectations from many stakeholders. They must also be able to convince stakeholders that their schools are doing a good job, e.g. by documenting this with league tables or inspection reports, or by leading political negotiations with stakeholders.

School leaders need to acknowledge this dependency on outside stakeholders and build partnerships with parents and policy-makers, as well as social, educational and cultural institutions at many levels: locally, nationally and internationally. School leaders have to be able to develop relations with the community they serve. These relations should be beneficial to both the school and the community.

Although some school heads may be predisposed to become good leaders, there is a need to raise and educate them, in particular as the expectations towards their work are changing rapidly. They need to be able to develop their leadership skills as well as their personal competences on a continuous basis.

The domains in which development should ensue are outlined above. School leaders and representatives of the educational system need to describe the relevant and appropriate professional and personal competences, and to construct and utilize learning opportunities on a long-term daily basis. Development opportunities can take a variety of forms, such as formal leadership study programmes or more informal networks or teams.


Austria (1)


Conflict Management


School Leadership - in-service pedagogical leadership course

Training institution

Pedagogical University Tyrol

Target group/ entry requirements

school heads in training


Encouraging personal and institutional development:

  • Motivating all school leaders to become involved in development
  • Accepting contradictions and differences and using them as a chance to learn; increasing tolerance
  • Learning to live with contradictions: acquiring composure, living with irreconcilable contradictions
Learning outcomes

Participants learn to live with conflicts in schools and develop basic skills in the assessment of conflicts. Furthermore, they learn different techniques for handling and become acquainted with conflict resolution models. In particular, they reflect on the basic characteristics of successful conflict resolution.

Delivery mode

classroom teaching, coaching, role playing


The module is one part of the training, culminating in project work and a presentation.


3 days

Certification / credits

1.5 ECTS

Contact person

Website of institution
Module available at


Austria (2)


Staff Development


School Leadership - in-service pedagogical leadership course

Training institution

Pedagogical University Tyrol

Target group/ entry requirements

school heads in training

  • Recognising the importance of staff development at schools
  • Stimulating the 7 areas of action from C as in "CPD" to P as in "participation"
  • An overview of the 5 forms of dialogue: positioning & perspective dialogue; counselling dialogue to solve problems; feedback from school head; focus on solutions for confrontation and conflict solving; qualification dialogue
  • Clarifying roles, solving role conflicts and negotiating an acceptable staff development policy with staff
Learning outcomes

Participants learn about the different forms of dialogue for different occasions in staff development. At the same time they learn about the importance of systematic staff development as a prerequisite for an effective school. Participants develop concepts for staff development in their school. Furthermore, they learn using their own case studies and reflect on the most difficult situations they have personally experienced.

Delivery mode

classroom teaching, coaching


The module is part of the training, culminating in project work and a presentation.


3 days

Certification / credits

1.5 ECTS

Contact person

Website of institution
Module available at




Competence Portfolio Development


School Leadership and Team Development Programme

Training institution

Institut Unterstrass  /  Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich and Gesamtschule Unterstrass

Target group/ entry requirements

headteachers and school teams (primary incl. kindergarten) interest in the organization of the transition between learning levels

  • to elucidate literacy concepts of different subjects such as mathematics, languages, and sciences concerning dimensions of content and process (competence)
  • to enable teachers to use literacy concept in order to plan and perform their individual teaching, and to adapt it to the personal learning situation of pupils
  • to enable headmasters and school teams to organize a coherent transition between learning levels
  • to enable participants to develop a competence portfolio as an instrument that can be used by the whole school
Learning outcomes

Participants will

  • describe the different competences (portfolio)
  • cooperate on the same level and between different levels in order to coordinate teaching goals and processes (weekly preparation for teach­ ing and planning for the whole year)
  • use the competence portfolio together with their pupils and then use it to inform parents before transition
  • use individualized instruments for diagnosis and support
Delivery mode

in-service training: working with headmasters and teams
workshop at the school level and further collective development


evaluation of practice, self-assessment of the pupils and information of parents


5 days plus practice time

Certification / credits

certificate for in-service training issued by the institute

Contact person

Dr. Lutz Oertel

Prof. Dieter Rüttimann

Mark Plüss

Website of institution
Module available at


Germany (1)


Quality development and change management


Qualification of newly appointed school heads in Lower Saxony

Training institution


Target group/ entry requirements

Newly appointed school heads


The development of school quality is a continuous and systematic process which includes the phases of evaluation, planning and change. The course intends to not only optimise well-known and habitual procedures in the sense of striving for “best practice” but also to implement new patterns in the sense of “next practice”.

Learning outcomes
  • Quality evaluation: School heads learn about internal and external modes of evaluation and how to communicate and use the results for their schools. Thereby they develop an evaluation culture.

  • Change management: Coping with change is necessary for schools as “learning institutions”. School heads learn about the decisive success factors for change and relate different change processes in order to give them meaning.

  • Project management: School heads learn about the principles of project management and organise change processes accordingly.

Delivery mode

Web-based training und blended learning with lectures and interactive tutorials Assessment 


Self assessment, integrated into web-based training 


5 days (30 hours)

Certification / credits

certificate of participation

Contact person

Gerhard Brückner

Website of institution
Module available at
user name: SLQ-neu, Password: EiSchu-WBT


Germany (2)


Human Resources Management 


Qualification of newly appointed school heads in Lower Saxony

Training institution


Target group/ entry requirements

Newly appointed school heads


Human Resources Management is quality management in the areas of staff analysis, staff recruitment and staff development. The participants will learn how to organize  

  • the right number of staff for their organization (quantity)

  • staff with the right qualifications (quality)

  • suitable staff at the right time and place

Learning outcomes
  • Analysis of Human Resources: School heads learn how to collect and use data for the quantitative and qualitative allocation of staff in their schools. 

  • Implementation of analysis results: School heads learn the optimum use of resources by applying the results of their analysis for the recruitment and (re-)allocation of staff in their schools.

  • Human Resources Development: School heads learn how to develop a qualification concept for their staff, using the data of their analysis.

Delivery mode

Web-based training und blended learning with lectures and interactive tutorials


Self assessment, integrated into web-based training


5 days (30 hours)

Certification / credits

certificate of participation

Contact person

Gerhard Brückner

Website of institution
Module available at
user name: SLQ-neu, Password: EiSchu-WBT


Germany (3)


Leadership Competencies


Qualification of newly appointed school heads in Lower Saxony

Training institution


Target group/ entry requirements

Newly appointed school heads


School is responsible for its accomplishments and learning outcomes. Participants will be prepared to act professionally in all fields of school organization in order to improve these outcomes.

Learning outcomes

School heads are communicative, have a visionary thinking, give impulses and suggestions for improvement. With long-term concepts, binding scopes of action and the strategic planning of resources they secure a sustainable quality development for their teaching and learning. These key qualifications are divided into three fields of decision-making and responsibility:

  • personal, social and communicative competencies

  • organizational development competencies

  • Human Resources development competencies



Delivery mode

Web-based training und blended learning with lectures and interactive tutorials


Self assessment, integrated into web-based training 


5 days (30 hours)

Certification / credits

certificate of participation

Contact person

Gerhard Brückner

Website of institution
Module available at
user name: SLQ-neu, Password: EiSchu-WBT




From Teacher to Leader


From Teacher to Leader

Training institution

Municipalities and University Colleges

Target group/ entry requirements

Teachers with teacher training and experience


To give teachers a taste of what leadership is like and to give them an opportunity to test themselves in leadership roles

Learning outcomes

This training combines theoretical insights with practical knowledge in ways that have been proved to be very conducive to learning. The train­ ing helps teachers to become more knowledgeable on school leader­ ship and acquire important skills before they take on leadership posts.

Delivery mode

A number of school districts  /  municipalities have collaborated with leader education institutions in planning and carrying through a number of train­ ing sequences: Teachers participate in one or more modules of this Leader­ ship Diploma training. The training is many-facetted: Teachers participate in approximately 30 lessons and as part of that do investigations or projects in their own schools. The leaders of the schools serve as their mentors and thus supervise them on the basis of their own very detailed and concrete knowledge of their school.


Assessed as part of a diploma programme. It is worth mentioning that this training is not part of a formal selection procedure: The teachers have not applied for or been assigned to school leadership posts prior to taking part in the training.


1 year

Certification / credits
Contact person

Bo Rønne

Website of institution
Module available at


Estonia (1)


Managing the Development of the Organisation


High level management in Estonian Schools

Training institution

Haridus - ja Teadusministeerium

Target group/ entry requirements

School heads, heads of education on the national and local level


The purpose of this self-learning online course is to assist school leaders in the major fields of educational leadership.

Learning outcomes

The participants will get insights into the following aspects of leadership:

  • Managing the development of an organization
  • Conducting internal evaluation
  • Cooperation with interest groups and networks development
  • Shaping the organizational culture and values
Delivery mode

Online training course


Online self-assessment



Certification / credits


Contact person

Kadri Peterson, Maie Kitsing

Website of institution
Module available at


Estonia (2)


Personnel Management


High level management in Estonian Schools

Training institution

Haridus - ja Teadusministeerium

Target group/ entry requirements

School heads, heads of education on the national and local level


The purpose of this self-learning online course is to assist school leaders in the major fields of educational leadership.

Learning outcomes

The participants will get insights into the following aspects of leadership:

  • Leadership Developing
  • personnel policy
Delivery mode

Online training course


Online self-assessment



Certification / credits


Contact person

Kadri Peterson, Maie Kitsing

Website of institution
Module available at


Estonia (3)


Resource Management


High level management in Estonian Schools

Training institution

Haridus - ja Teadusministeerium

Target group/ entry requirements

School heads, heads of education on the national and local level


The purpose of this self-learning online course is to assist school leaders in the major fields of educational leadership.

Learning outcomes

The participants will get insights into the following aspects of leadership:

  • Budget and material basis management
  • Systematic organization of information
Delivery mode

Online training course


Online self-assessment



Certification / credits


Contact person

Kadri Peterson, Maie Kitsing

Website of institution
Module available at


Estonia (4)




High level management in Estonian Schools

Training institution

Haridus - ja Teadusministeerium

Target group/ entry requirements

School heads, heads of education on the national and local level


The purpose of this self-learning online course is to assist school leaders in the major fields of educational leadership.

Learning outcomes

The participants will get insights into the following aspects of leadership:

  • Self-evaluation
  • Personal professional development
Delivery mode

Online training course


Online self-assessment



Certification / credits


Contact person

Kadri Peterson, Maie Kitsing

Website of institution
Module available at


Estonia (5)


Shaping the Study Environment


High level management in Estonian Schools

Training institution

Haridus - ja Teadusministeerium

Target group/ entry requirements

School heads, heads of education on the national and local level


The purpose of this self-learning online course is to assist school leaders in the major fields of educational leadership.

Learning outcomes

The participants will get insights into the following aspects of leadership:

  • Development of curricula
  • Evaluating and supporting the learners' development
Delivery mode

Online training course


Online self-assessment



Certification / credits


Contact person

Kadri Peterson, Maie Kitsing


Website of institution
Module available at


Spain (1)


Educational Organization and Regulation


Initial Training for Headteachers 

Training institution

Directorate General for Innovative Education and Teacher Training

Target group/ entry requirements

new headteachers elected either by a public selection process or by direct appointment of the educational authority 


This course is designed to help new headteachers develop a series of professional competences that should help them harmonize management, participation and leadership within their schools, in view of the importance of leadership for a school's progress, innovation, improvement and educational excellence.

Learning outcomes

The guidelines will enable participants to reflect upon a proposed model of management that answers the educational needs of today's society.

Delivery mode



The module is part of the initial training for school heads.


4 hours, part of the theoretical stage.

Certification / credits

certificate of attendance (85 hours)

Contact person

Ana Villafane Alvarez

Javier Arribas Gómez


Website of institution
Module available at


Spain (2)


Quality Management in Schools


Initial Training for Headteachers

Training institution

Directorate General for Innovative Education and Teacher Training

Target group/ entry requirements

new headteachers elected either by a public selection process or by direct appointment of the educational authority 


This course is designed to help new headteachers develop a series of professional competences that should help them harmonize management, participation and leadership within their schools, in view of the importance of leadership for a school's progress, innovation, improvement and educational excellence.

Learning outcomes

Participants will learn about the existing improvement plans, which will facilitate their reflection and decision making. Their work will be based on a contextualised assessment of their school in order to enable them to design and implement the improvement plans which aim at the constant improvement of the quality and organization schools.

Delivery mode

lecture and workshop 


The module is part of the initial training for school heads.


2 hours lecture plus workshop where participants must analyse practical cases in their traineeship period. The module is part of both the theoretical and practical stages.

Certification / credits

certificate (85 hours) at the end of the course

Contact person

Ana Villafane Alvarez

Javier Arribas Gómez


Website of institution
Module available at


Spain (3)


Pedagogical and Social Resources Management


Initial training for headteachers 

Training institution

Directorate General for Innovative Education and Teacher Training

Target group/ entry requirements

new headteachers elected either by a public selection process or by direct appointment of the Educational authority 


This course is designed to help new headteachers develop a series of professional competences that should help them harmonize management, participation and leadership within their schools, in view of the importance of leadership for a school's progress, innovation, improvement and educational excellence.

Learning outcomes

New school heads will learn about all the different possibilities that the established model of teacher training offers.

Delivery mode



The module is part of the initial training for school heads.


A module of 2 hours, part of the theoretical stage

Certification / credits

certificate of attendance (85 hours)

Contact person

Ana Villafane Alvarez

Javier Arribas Gómez

Website of institution
Module available at


Hungary (1)


Management of Changes in School


Leaders of schools

Training institution

Independent Pedagogic Institution (FÜPI)

Target group/ entry requirements

School leaders and deputy school leaders


The course aims to offer help to schools that are facing professional and structural changes. During the course participants will learn how to implement up-to-date school management without financial or human resource losses.

Learning outcomes

Participants will learn to view school management from a broader and more modern perspective. In the course of the training, financial and economic methods as well as effective management of the inner and the external relationships of the school will be introduced to the participants, who by taking part in the training have the additional benefit of being able to build new professional relationships, in which they can share their experiences and concerns and solve their school management problems together.

Delivery mode

Training including lectures, and interactive exercises 


Written assignment


30 hours, 2 days

Certification / credits


Contact person

Gregory Szabo

Website of institution
Module available at


Hungary (2)


Project Manager Training


Manager training

Training institution

FÜPI (Independent Pedagogical Institution)

Target group/ entry requirements

School leaders, deputy school leaders and project leaders


The aim of the training is to enable professionals to organize and lead projects in their schools. During the training participants deal with practical issues which may assist them in their future work. The train­ ing also wants to enable them to utilize the gained knowledge on different levels of the education system.

Learning outcomes

The participants gain knowledge in the course of the training which they can use in their everyday work.

The main scopes of learning outcomes:

  • theoretical and practical knowledge on leadership and project organization
  • different methods of organizing learning
  • basic leadership and psychological knowledge
Delivery mode

lecture, group work, workshops and individual work, presentation




30 hours, 3 days: 10 hours per day

Certification / credits


Contact person

Kinga Dombóvári

Website of institution
Module available at


Ireland (1)


Research Methodology


Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Leadership (Tóraíocht)

Training institution

National University of Ireland Maynooth  /  Professional Development Service for Teachers

Target group/ entry requirements

aspiring school leaders, teachers with four years teaching experience


The Tóraíocht programme aims to enhance participants' current work and to support their preparation for future senior leadership and management positions. It aims to develop the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and skills required for successful modern school leadership.

Since the programme has been inaugurated almost 350 teachers have participated.

Learning outcomes
  • Enhanced professional development
  • Enhanced current leadership work and commitment
  • Increased ability to deal with the theoretical and practical challenges and opportunities of senior leadership in schools
  • Development of the understanding, capacities and capabilities necessary for effective school leadership
    • Reflective Practice
    • Action Research: professional dialogue
    • Qualitative & quantitative research skills
    • Developing skills related to work based leadership and learning
Delivery mode

Four sessions are face-to-face and three are on-line. Each session is 1.5 hours in duration. There is emphasis on peer learning  /  group discussions on the skills and capabilities needed to be an effective school leader.

Modules are delivered nationally in Education Centres and in the university in Maynooth. This allows for participation country-wide.


Schedule of assessment for the entire course: 2 essays, a group presentation, a reflective essay, a school-based action research project, an interview

Assessment for this module: 2,500 word essay


All modules in the Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Leadership are of 7 weeks duration.

Certification / credits

2.5 credits

Contact person

Carmel Lillis

Website of institution
Module available at


Ireland (2)


The Person of the Leader: Human and Professional


Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Leadership (Tóraíocht)

Training institution

National University of Ireland Maynooth  /  Professional Development Service for Teachers

Target group/ entry requirements

Aspiring school leaders, teachers with four years teaching experience


The Tóraíocht programme aims to enhance participants' current work and to support their preparation for future senior leadership and management positions. It aims to develop the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and skills required for successful modern school leadership.

Since the programme has been inaugurated almost 350 teachers have participated.

Learning outcomes
  • Enhanced professional development
  • Enhanced current leadership work and commitment
  • Increased ability to deal with the theoretical and practical challenges and opportunities of senior leadership in schools
  • Development of the understanding, capacities and capabilities necessary for effective school leadership
    • Philosophical, psychological and sociological understanding of the person
    • Personal and professional development
    • Values and the dignity of the human person
    • Inter/intra personal skills
    • Personal platform of values and beliefs
    • Ethics and virtues
    • Emotional intelligence
Delivery mode

Four sessions are face-to-face and three are on-line. Each session is 1.5 hours in duration. There is emphasis on peer learning  /  group discussions on the skills and capabilities needed to be an effective school leader.

Modules are delivered nationally in Education Centres and in the university in Maynooth. This allows for participation country-wide.


Schedule of assessment for the entire course: 2 essays, a group presentation, a reflective essay, a school-based action research project, an interview

Assessment for this module: 3,000 word reflective essay 


All modules in the Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Leadership are of 7 weeks duration.

Certification / credits

7.5 credits

Contact person

Carmel Lillis

Website of institution
Module available at


Ireland (3)


The Enterprise of Education


Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Leadership (Tóraíocht)

Training institution

National University of Ireland Maynooth  /  Professional Development Service for Teachers

Target group/ entry requirements

Aspiring school leaders, teachers with four years teaching experience


The Tóraíocht programme aims to enhance participants' current work and to support their preparation for future senior leadership and management positions. It aims to develop the knowledge, under­ standing, attitudes and skills required for successful modern school leadership. Since the programme has been inaugurated almost 350 teachers have participated.

Learning outcomes
  • Enhanced professional development
  • Enhanced current leadership work and commitment
  • Increased ability to deal with the theoretical and practical challenges and opportunities of senior leadership in schools
  • Development of the understanding, capacities and capabilities necessary for effective school leadership
    • Philosophy and history of Irish education
    • Policy development, macro and micro
    • Green Paper  /  National
    • Education Convention  /  White Paper
    • Education policy - International perspective
    • Current educational legislation
    • Education policy in practice
Delivery mode

Four sessions are face-to-face and three are on-line. Each session is 1.5 hours in duration. There is emphasis on peer learning  /  group discussions on the skills and capabilities needed to be an effective school leader.

Modules are delivered nationally in Education Centres and in the university in Maynooth. This allows for participation country-wide.


Schedule of assessment for the entire course: 2 essays, a group presenta­ tion, a reflective essay, a school-based action research project, an interview Assessment for this module: 2,500 word essay


All modules in the Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Leadership are of 7 weeks duration.

Certification / credits

2.5 credits

Contact person

Carmel Lillis

Website of institution
Module available at


Ireland (4)


Leading Learning


Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Leadership (Tóraíocht)

Training institution

National University of Ireland Maynooth  /  Professional Development Service for Teachers

Target group/ entry requirements

aspiring school leaders, teachers with four years teaching experience


The Tóraíocht programme aims to enhance participants' current work and to support their preparation for future senior leadership and management positions. It aims to develop the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and skills required for successful modern school leadership.

Since the programme has been inaugurated almost 350 teachers have participated.

Learning outcomes
  • Enhanced professional development
  • Enhanced current leadership work and commitment.
  • Increased ability to deal with the theoretical and practical challenges and opportunities of senior leadership in schools.
  • Development of the understanding, capacities and capabilities necessary for effective school leadership
    • Learning theories: the international picture
    • Developing the school community
    • Focus on the classroom: leading student learning
    • Instructional leadership
    • Assessment for and of learning
    • Data gathering, assessment and planning
    • Teacher curriculum leadership: Team building
    • Accessing information and guidance
Delivery mode

Four sessions are face-to-face and three are on-line. Each session is 1.5 hours in duration. There is emphasis on peer learning  /  group discussions on the skills and capabilities needed to be an effective school leader.

Modules are delivered nationally in Education Centres and in the university in Maynooth. This allows for participation country-wide.


Schedule of assessment for the entire course: 2 essays, a group presenta­ tion, a reflective essay, a school-based action research project, an interview

Assessment for this module: 2,500 word essay


All modules in the Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Leadership are of 7 weeks duration.

Certification / credits

2.5 credits

Contact person

Carmel Lillis

Website of institution
Module available at


Ireland (5)


Leading People


Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Leadership (Tóraíocht)

Training institution

National University of Ireland Maynooth  /  Professional Development Service for Teachers

Target group/ entry requirements

Aspiring school leaders, teachers with four years teaching experience


The Tóraíocht programme aims to enhance participants' current work and to support their preparation for future senior leadership and management positions. It aims to develop the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and skills required for successful modern school leadership.
Since the programme has been inaugurated almost 350 teachers have participated.

Learning outcomes
  • Enhanced professional development
  • Enhanced current leadership work and commitment
  • Increased ability to deal with the theoretical and practical challenges and opportunities of senior leadership in schools
  • Development of the understanding, capacities and capabilities necessary for effective school leadership
    • Distributed leadership
    • Communications within the school community and with the wider community
    • Policy formation: Managing critical events
    • Difficult conversations
    • Vision, values and school culture
Delivery mode

Four sessions are face-to-face and three are on-line. Each session is 1.5 hours in duration. There is emphasis on peer learning  /  group discussions on the skills and capabilities needed to be an effective school leader.

Modules are delivered nationally in Education Centres and in the university in Maynooth. This allows for participation country-wide.


Schedule of assessment for the entire course: 2 essays, a group presenta­ tion, a reflective essay, a school-based action research project, an interview

Assessment for this module: 2,500 word essay


All modules in the Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Leadership are of 7 weeks duration.

Certification / credits

2.5 credits

Contact person

Carmel Lillis

Website of institution
Module available at


Ireland (6)


Leading the Organisation


Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Leadership (Tóraíocht)

Training institution

National University of Ireland Maynooth  /  Professional Development Service for Teachers

Target group/ entry requirements

Aspiring school leaders, teachers with four years teaching experience


The Tóraíocht programme aims to enhance participants' current work and to support their preparation for future senior leadership and management positions. It aims to develop the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and skills required for successful modern school leadership. Since the programme has been inaugurated almost 350 teachers have participated.

Learning outcomes
  • Enhanced professional development
  •  Enhanced current leadership work and commitment
  •  Increased ability to deal with the theoretical and practical challenges and opportunities of senior leadership in schools
  •  Development of the understanding, capacities and capabilities necessary for effective school leadership
    • The school as an organization 
    • The self-evaluating school 
    • School culture
    •  Inclusion
    •  Leading the change process 
    • Strategic planning
    •  Leading in context
Delivery mode

Four sessions are face-to-face and three are on-line. Each session is 1.5 hours in duration. There is emphasis on peer learning  /  group discussions on the skills and capabilities needed to be an effective school leader. 
Modules are delivered nationally in Education Centres and in the university in Maynooth. This allows for participation country-wide.


Schedule of assessment for the entire course: 2 essays, a group presenta­tion, a reflective essay, a school-based action research project, an interview Assessment for this module: 2,500 word essay


All modules in the Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Leadership are of 7 weeks duration.

Certification / credits

2.5 credits

Contact person

Carmel Lillis

Website of institution
Module available at




School Development and Evaluation


Masters programme in Educational Administration

Training institution

University of Iceland, School of Education

Target group/ entry requirements

teachers, school leaders and other professionals in schools who meet the entrance requirements (Bachelors degree and two years of teaching experience or equivalent)


The purpose of this course is to assist students in understanding some major concepts, theories and models of school development and programme evaluation. An emphasis is put on assisting students in understanding and applying evaluation concepts and techniques as well as preparing for development and planned change in schools.

Learning outcomes
  • Understanding the main concepts and theories concerning evaluation, planned change and school development
  • Being able to use concepts, theories and models of evaluation, planned change and school-development in real-life situations
  • Being able to make theoretical and professional decisions concern­ ing evaluation, planned change and school development
  • Being able to give critical perspectives on concepts, theories and models of evaluation, planned change and school development
Delivery mode

Site-based seminars (2+2+1day) and distance learning

  1. A critical analysis of a  learning community (written report, 20%)
  2. A critical analysis of a developmental project or  evaluation study (written report, 20%)
  3. A development plan for an educational project for a specific institution with academic reflections on critical issues regarding implementation (written report, 60%)

5 months

Certification / credits


Contact person

Ólafur H. Jóhannsson, assistant professor

Website of institution
Module available at



Italy - South Tyrol (1)


Legal Basics for School Heads ("Alles, was Recht ist")


School heads

Training institution

Schulamt (Local Education Authority)

Target group/ entry requirements

school heads (novices)


New school heads are recruited from the teaching staff. They usually do not have a very deep understanding of the legal aspects of their new work. The training will provide them with basic legal knowledge necessary to lead schools and to face daily problems.

Learning outcomes

Learning the basics of

  • relevant employment laws for school staff
  • fiscal law
  • contract law
  • disciplinary law
  • constitutional law - law of the autonomous province of BZ
Delivery mode

Training modules and advice by experts from the school board


First compulsory module in the recruitment procedure, following modules along in-service training


one-day training module and advice throughout the whole school year

Certification / credits
Contact person

Website of institution
Module available at


Italy - South Tyrol (2)


External Evaluation in the German schools of South Tyrol


The main goal of the training is to assess and improve the quality of South Tyrol's school system in an independent, law-based approach by means of different forms of evaluation of the efficiency of schools (research at national, international and local level, school visits).

Results should give a photographic view of the status quo of school quality - if possible by means of triangulated data - and enable school heads and their communities to continue, amplify, intensify or improve the quality of their work by changing missions, decisions and procedures. The results should also be used for in-service training for school heads.

Training institution


Target group/ entry requirements

school leaders; representatives from "Schulräte" (boards of teachers, parents, students and school leaders)


School heads as representatives of the autonomous schools have the task to develop their schools. The training is based on a set of criteria defined in the "Quality Framework for the German Schools of South Tyrol", which is the result of an agreement between the Evaluation Board and a series of partners from different branches (politics, education, associations, industry, …). School heads who are in charge of conducting an internal evaluation receive guidelines and can use the information, data and advice given in the report by the Evaluation Board.

Learning outcomes

School heads will be able to conduct an internal evaluation, using the evaluation report to find out what they do well and following its recommendations to plan changes and improvements.

Delivery mode

Written report by the Evaluationsstelle, professional conferences (Konferenzen der Schulführungskräfte


It is up to the Autonomous Schools (and their school heads) to take part in the training and use the support that goes along with it.


Periodically in the course of one year

Certification / credits
Contact person

Coordinator: Dr. Franz Hilpold

Website of institution
Module available at


Italy - South Tyrol (3)


IQES - A Tool for Quality Development and Evaluation in Schools


School Leadership - digital (supported) in-service training

Training institution

Local Education Authority Bozen (Bolzano)

Target group/ entry requirements

School heads in service who want to conduct internal quality management


School leaders are in charge of internal quality management (IQM cannot be delegated) but most of them do not have time for this important task and  /  or lack knowledge of adequate procedures.

The Internet Platform IQES provides users with a number of high-quality instruments for the self-evaluation of schools and allows school leaders, teachers and members of internal evaluation work groups to efficiently go about the task.

Learning outcomes

School leaders learn about the quality approach of the largely used IQES instrument/s and gather necessary information. The tools on the platfom enable them to present their summaries in convenient form (chart, graph, table, …) in discussions, group sessions and in-service trainings.

Leaders can also use the questionnaires developed by IQES or come up with their own questionnaires to collect data on general processes in their schools.

Delivery mode

Work on the Internet Platform as well in printed form 


The module is part of an in-service training for school heads.


Three hours, and consultation on request

Certification / credits


Contact person

Website of institution
Module available at


Lithuania (3)


Creation and Introduction of Self-Evaluation Tools for Schools 


Training of Consultants for School Self-Evaluation (institutional level)

Training institution

Kauno pedagogų kvalifikacijos centras (KPKC) (Kaunas Teacher Qualification Centre), Registration Code 193043096, Vytauto Ave 44, Kaunas, LT - 44003, tel./fax: 837 324157

Target group/ entry requirements

consultants for school self-evaluation


The programme is designed to provide participants with possibilities to obtain knowledge in the area of school self-evaluation and consult­ ing, to develop an understanding of the content of self-evaluation instruments and strategies of applying them at school, and to build practical capacities for professional consultation services to schools that are in the process of self-evaluation.

Learning outcomes

Participants will

  • develop understanding and obtain knowledge of the diversity of evaluation theories
  • experience school self-evaluation abroad
  • obtain knowledge of the concept of school self-evaluation tools
  • obtain knowledge of consulting concepts and develop an understand­ ing of the consultant's role in the process of school self-evaluation
  • be able to build consultative relationships
  • be able to manage the consultation process at school
  • learn about techniques of group management and be able to apply them
  • be able to use moderation techniques
  • learn about the school self-evaluation tool packages and receive recommendations for their use
  • gain experience of the practical use of school self-evaluation tools
  • obtain knowledge of the functions of consultants and be able to fulfill these functions
Delivery mode

lectures, experiential training, group work


visual presentation of learning activities


96 hours, 14 days

Certification / credits

qualification certificate, consultant's certificate

Contact person

Laima Gudaitė

Website of institution
Module available at


Lithuania (4)


Creation and Introduction of Self-Evaluation Tools for Schools


Organisation of Self-Evaluation at School by Implementing the Project "Creation and Introduction of Self-evaluation Tools for General Education Schools" (institutional level)

Training institution

Kauno pedagogų kvalifikacijos centras (KPKC) (Kaunas Teacher Qualification Centre), Registration Code 193043096, Vytauto Ave 44, Kaunas, LT - 44003, tel./fax: 837 324157, Current Account No LT 354010042500070283

Target group/ entry requirements

school teams involved in the project "Creation and Introduction of Self-evaluation Tools for General Education Schools"


The programme is designed to help participants develop an understanding of the content of self-evaluation instruments and strategies of applying them at school, and to build practical capacities for professional consultation services to schools that are in the process of self-evaluation.

Learning outcomes

Participants will

  • obtain knowledge of the concept of school self-evaluation tools
  • gain experience in using school self-evaluation tools
  • receive recommendations for using self-evaluation tools
Delivery mode

Lectures, group work


visual presentation of learning activities


14 hours, 2 days

Certification / credits

qualification certificate

Contact person

Laima Gudaitė

Website of institution
Module available at




Leading Learning (Module 2 of a training consisting of four modules) 


School leadership - The National Programme for Principals

Training institution

Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim

Target group/ entry requirements

Principals, assistant principals, supervisors, managers, or teachers who want to become principals can apply. The programme is funded by the Norwegian Directorate for Education (Udir), which is also responsible for the acceptance process. Students apply directly to Udir for admission.


The National Programme for Principals intends to help principals to take responsibility for both management and governance, and to synthesize academic management, personnel management and general management into an integrated whole. In the module Leading Learning participants will focus on these aspects of school leadership:

  • learning and learning theory
  • the principal as an educational leader
  • steering quality development
  • curriculum, curriculum analysis, and the development of local curricula
Learning outcomes

Participants will use the relevant theory to analyze the learning environment at their own schools and to steer further development there. They will also learn how to analyse curricula and how to lead efforts to design and implement local curricula. 

Delivery mode

lectures, workshops, individual work
Students are divided into four regular groups, and each seminar starts and ends in the group. There is one supervisor  /  academic staff member who accompanies the same group through all the seven seminars. The super­ visors guide their groups in workshops, comment on their work, give them feedback on academic texts, and lead reflection. It is also part of the train­ ing to practice skills in role plays, reflection groups, etc.


Participants are expected to create a blog, answer two out of three study questions, and write a text which can be either a feature article or a reflection paper related to the blog.

Participants' final grade will be based on the assessment of the submitted text and the assessment of the texts submitted in the other three modules of the programme (module 1: reflection note, module 3: paper, module 4: participants' credo of leadership).


2 x 3 days (Module 2)
(The whole programme consists of 4 modules, 7 x 3 days.)

Certification / credits

The National Programme for Principals gives 30 credits in total. The offer is primarily aimed at newly appointed principals, but other people who have leadership tasks or intend to become principals may also apply.

Contact person

Anne Berit Emstad

Website of institution
Module available at


Poland (1)


Various Types of Educational Conflicts and Techniques of Solving Them


School Leadership - Masters Programme

Training institution

Publishing house and bookshop PROINFO

Target group/ entry requirements

prospective headteachers, in-service headteachers and their deputies, teachers and school pedagogical advisors, visiting inspectors, educational administration employees


to develop and train constructive conflict-solving skills with an emphasis on mediation and negotiation techniques, to identify interpersonal skills in dealing with difficult situations

Learning outcomes

Participants obtain skills to solve problems occurring in their institution (with parents, students, teachers). Headteachers are introduced to mediation as a way of resolving conflicts at school.

Delivery mode

workshops, group discussions, lecture

In the workshops participants can share and analyze their personal expe­ riences. In addition, case studies, simulation games, and psychological self-assessment techniques are used. The module also includes group discussions and a theoretical electronically-assisted lecture.


active participation in classes, 100% presence


2 days (16h)

Certification / credits

certificate of attendance

Contact person

Website of institution
Module available at


Poland (2)


Management is an art. How to become a master?


School Leadership - Masters Programme

Training institution

Stowarzyszenie "Razem dla edukacji"

Target group/ entry requirements

prospective headteachers, headteachers with little experience, deputy headteachers

  • to explain the ideas of mission, vision, and values, and to make clear that defining and understanding them is a precondition to success
  • to present the principle of openness and demonstrate its application
  • to analyze attitudes and behaviour models
Learning outcomes


  • will get an understanding of the necessity to precisely define their institution's mission, tailored to the needs and aspirations of their local community
  • learn that there is no ready and easy way to become a leader
  • learn that leadership is a challenge consisting in a continual search for a golden mean, in awakening responsibility, and in taking care of people, their development and their success.
  • learn that leaders are born but can also be made. Leadership capabilities are taught at home, school, university and work.
Delivery mode



active participation; 100% presence in classes


1 day

Certification / credits

certificate of participation

Contact person


Website of institution
Module available at


Poland (3)


Leaders Direct Educational Change


School Leadership - Masters Programme

Training institution

Stowarzyszenie "Razem dla edukacji"

Target group/ entry requirements

educational management teams, headteachers, deputy headteachers


to present educational change, which is an unavoidable and not always favourable process, in all its complexity; to elucidate the conditions and factors influencing the management of educational change

Learning outcomes

Participants will

  • identify the changes that influence the functioning of a institutions
    (The institutions the participants work at will be examined.)
  • distinguish between the different categories of changes
  • get acquainted with change models
  • learn about aspects of human behavioural responses in the situation of change, such as the origin and forms of resistance against change, as well as means to overcome barriers and resistance and methods to convince the unwilling
  • identify factors influencing the introduction of scheduled changes
  • learn about effective planning of change
  • learn about the necessity of developing a school teaching and managing team, involving students, parents and the whole school.
Delivery mode



plenary session: presentation of the changes participants have personally prepared to be introduced


2 days

Certification / credits

certificate of attendance

Contact person

Website of institution
Module available at


Romania (1)


Active Methods of Teaching-Learning Evaluation


Educational programme - in-service training

Training institution

Casa Corpului Didactic Brasov (The Teachers' Centre Brasov)

Target group/ entry requirements

Experienced teachers who teach grades 5 to 12 and are willing to try out new teaching strategies and then share them with peers.


The course is designed to create a dedicated and enthusiastic team of trainers who are capable of making a measurable impact on the way their subjects are taught and who can initiate programmes for in-service training in their schools.

Learning outcomes

Participants will be able to:

  • effectively use a broad range of didactic strategies
  • objectively judge the efficiency of various didactic strategies
  • meet the needs of the pupils with different learning abilities and styles
  • use formative strategies
  • be reflexive practitioners
  • observe another teacher's classes and offer constructive feedback
  • design and initiate efficient training programmes in order to meet the needs of their own target groups.
Delivery mode

various activities, such as dialogue groups, the snowball method, learning in pairs, individual activities and discussions, are used in all the thematic units (1. Fundamental notions; 2. Teaching strategies; 3. The teacher as a professional)


Each participant will elaborate an individual portfolio that consists of these parts: activity plans and diaries for every class; an overview of active work for a period of time which should not be shorter than ten weeks; lesson plans which should demonstrate the strategies taught during the training.

Each participant will also make a class video that must be edited so the beginning, the end and excerpts of phases during the lesson can be seen. The video should last 30-35 minutes and demonstrate an appropriate use of the theories and strategies that are taught the course and explained in the additional materials that have been handed out.

At the end of the course a second portfolio including all the participants' materials will be created (lesson plans, case studies, observation and self-observation grids, essays).


50 hours: 10 days with 5 hours of training each

Certification / credits

certificate of attendance

Contact person

Website of institution
Module available at


Romania (2)


Ethics and Professional Deontology 


Educational programme - in-service training

Training institution

Casa Corpului Didactic Brasov (The Teachers' Centre Brasov)

Target group/ entry requirements

teachers working in pre-university education


This course is designed to build specific competences for approaching certain issues of applied ethics and deontology in order to enable teachers to develop young people's aptitudes in moral and civic education.

Learning outcomes

Participants will

  • analyze social reality, starting from the understanding of society as a system
  • contextually differentiate between the connotations of the words "moral", "immoral" and "amoral"
  • compare the words ethic and moral, starting from concrete situations, and explain their significance
  • distinguish between ethics and professional deontology
  • outline the characteristics of a good teacher and describe how they implement their "profession of faith"
Delivery mode

lectures and various activities, such as examining case studies, analyzing didactic films, doing role plays, and working in teams on the thematic units (1. Conceptual clarifications; 2. General norms of professional behaviour; 3. Case studies  /  Examples of good practice)


Each participant will elaborate an individual portfolio and a grid with an assessment of stages.

At the end of the course a second portfolio including all the participants' materials will be created (lesson plans, case studies, observation and self-observation grids, essays).


40 hours - 10 days with 4 hours of training each

Certification / credits

certificate of attendance

Contact person

Website of institution
Module available at


Romania (3)


Quality Management in Education


Management programme - in-service training

Training institution

Casa Corpului Didactic Brasov (The Teachers' Centre Brasov)

Target group/ entry requirements

principals, teachers who are members of the school council of administration, local authorities, parents


This course is designed to implement a quality culture at the level of school organization and administration. It encourages the development of institutional procedures for the assessment, assurance, control and improvement of quality in education.

Learning outcomes

Participants will

  • develop their diagnostic competency and learn about self-evaluation in institutional environments
  • learn how to elaborate and implement certain strategies and proce­ dures to ensure quality in education
  • be able to devise a competitive educational offer at the end of the course and achieve functional skills in applying quality assurance techniques according to the law.
Delivery mode

classroom teaching, workshops and debates on thematic units (1. Legis­ lation on quality assurance in education; 2. Policies and strategies for quality assurance; 3. Standards of authorization, accreditation and periodical assessment; 4. Examples of good practice)


Each participant will elaborate and present the strategy of his  /  her school for quality assurance in education.

At the end of the course a second portfolio including all the participants' materials will be created (lesson plans, case studies, observation and self-observation grids, essays).


40 hours: 10 hours per unit

Certification / credits

certificate of attendance

Contact person

Website of institution
Module available at




Russia (1)


Strategic Planning of School Development in Changing Conditions


Modern educational management

Training institution

PKIPKRО (Perm Regional Institute for the Improvement of Professional Skills of Educators)

Target group/ entry requirements

school headteachers only; obligatory qualifications for them are:

  • experience of practical administrative activities in the education system, basic knowledge of the subjects dealt with in the programme
  • an understanding of the necessity of changes in a modern education system
  • the ability to use a personal computer and search information on the Internet
  • the readiness to accept new ideas and to put them into practice

to develop skills that enable headteachers to foresee and plan school work in changing conditions

Learning outcomes

Participants will be able to

  • apply the concept of change management
  • interpret and apply the methodological tools in their own management practices
  • develop projects and manage them
  • identify the strengths and weaknesses of their own activities
  • expand their experience of productive problem solving
  • increase the efficiency of using human potential
Delivery mode
  • lectures, seminars, workshops
  • correspondence (homework, study of literature, preparation of documents); workbooks are used

independent project work


3 days (24 hours)

Certification / credits


Contact person

Elena Garcia

Website of institution
Module available at


Russia (2)


Law in Education (Право в образовании)


Modern educational management

Training institution

PKIPKRО (Perm Regional Institute for the Improvement of Professional Skills of Educators)

Target group/ entry requirements

school headteachers only; obligatory qualifications for them are:

  • experience of practical administrative activities in the education system, basic knowledge of the subjects dealt with in the programme
  • an understanding of the necessity of changes in a modern education system
  • the ability to use a personal computer and search information on the Internet
  • the readiness to accept new ideas and to put them into practice

to impart practical knowledge of:

  • students' rights and duties
  • the legal status of teachers and schools
  • the legal responsibility of all participants of educational processes
Learning outcomes

Participants will be able to

  • develop normative documents for their schools
  • draw up and implement contractual relationships with social partners in a proper way
  • assess possible legal consequences of administrative decisions
  • use the existing legal basis for the protection of their school's interests and rights.
Delivery mode
  • lectures, seminars, workshops
  • correspondence (homework, study of literature, preparation of documents); workbooks are used

independent project work


3 days (24 hours)

Certification / credits


Contact person

Elena Garcia

Website of institution
Module available at


Russia (3)


Economy and Financing in Education (Экономика и финансы в образовании)


Modern educational management

Training institution

PKIPKRО (Perm Regional Institute for the Improvement of Professional Skills of Educators)

Target group/ entry requirements

school headteachers only; obligatory qualifications for them are:

  • experience of practical administrative activities in the education system, basic knowledge of the subjects dealt with in the programme
  • an understanding of the necessity of changes in a modern education system
  • the ability to use a personal computer and search information on the Internet
  • the readiness to accept new ideas and to put them into practice

to develop practical knowledge of:

  • effective management
  • school economy
  • school financing
Learning outcomes

Participants will be able to:

  • choose a model of school financing
  • do economic planning
  • design a financial plan for a school according to the "Money Follows the Student" principle
  • mobilize off-budget funding
Delivery mode
  • lectures, seminars, workshops
  • correspondence (homework, study of literature, preparation of documents); workbooks are used

independent project work


3 days (24 hours)

Certification / credits


Contact person

Elena Garcia

Website of institution
Module available at


Russia (4)


Monitoring  /  data collection (Мониторинг)


Modern educational management

Training institution

PKIPKRО (Perm Regional Institute for the Improvement of Professional Skills of Educators)

Target group/ entry requirements

school headteachers only; obligatory qualifications for them are:

  • experience of practical administrative activities in the education system, basic knowledge of the subjects dealt with in the programme
  • an understanding of the necessity of changes in a modern education system
  • the ability to use a personal computer and search information on the Internet
  • the readiness to accept new ideas and to put them into practice

to develop practical knowledge and skills in the field of data collection, research and administrative decision-making according to its results

Learning outcomes

Participants will be able to:

  • develop methodological knowledge of school monitoring
  • organize school monitoring
  • use the existing research data for decision-making
Delivery mode
  • lectures, seminars, workshops
  • correspondence (homework, study of literature, preparation of documents); workbooks are used

independent project work


3 days (24 hours)

Certification / credits


Contact person

Elena Garcia

Website of institution
Module available at


Sweden (1)


Legislation on Schools and the Role of Exercising the Functions of an Authority


National Principal Training program

Training institution

Umeå university
Stockholm University
Linne University
Karlstad University
Mälardalen, Örebro, Södertörn
Uppsala University 

Target group/ entry requirements

Participants have to be principals, deputy principals or preschool leaders.
The programme is obligatory for new principals since 2011/03/15.


On completion of the training programme, headteachers shall have the knowledge and skills required to manage the work of realizing the goals of preschools, leisure time centres, schools or adult education institutions, as well as fulfilling the tasks in accordance with the provisions specifically laid down for headteachers in legislation. This applies to both municipal and independent schools.

Learning outcomes

The programme is on advanced level. In total there are 36 objectives  / learning outcomes in these three areas:

  • knowledge and understanding
  • skills and abilities
  • assessment abilities and approaches
Delivery mode

The programme runs for three years. Participants are supposed to use 20% of their working time for coursework. In total there are about 30 meeting days. During the meetings there are lectures, seminars and assignments. In between there are assignments. The literature is partly available on a learn­ ing platform (website).


literature, reports, written examination, classroom visits etc.


three years, about 30 meeting days, individual work

Certification / credits


Contact person

Helene Ärlestig


Website of institution
Module available at


Sweden (2)


Management by Goals and Objectives


National Principal Training program

Training institution

Umeå university Stockholm University
Linne University
Karlstad University
Mälardalen, Örebro, Södertörn
Uppsala University 

Target group/ entry requirements

Participants have to be principals, deputy principals or preschool leaders.
The programme is obligatory for new principals since 2011/03/15.


On completion of the training programme, headteachers shall have the knowledge and skills required to manage the work of realizing the goals of preschools, leisure time centres, schools or adult education institutions, as well as fulfilling the tasks in accordance with the provisions specifically laid down for headteachers in legislation. This applies to both municipal and independent schools.

Learning outcomes

The programme is on advanced level. In total there are 36 objectives  / learning outcomes in these three areas:

  • knowledge and understanding
  • skills and abilities
  • assessment abilities and approaches
Delivery mode

The programme runs for three years. Participants are supposed to use 20% of their working time for coursework. In total there are about 30 meeting days. During the meetings there are lectures, seminars and assignments. In between there are assignments. The literature is partly available on a learn­ ing platform (website).


literature, reports, written examination, classroom visits etc.


three years, about 30 meeting days, individual work

Certification / credits


Contact person

Helene Ärlestig

Website of institution
Module available at


Sweden (3)


School Leadership


National Principal Training program

Training institution

Umeå university
Stockholm University
Linne University
Karlstad University
Mälardalen, Örebro, Södertörn
Uppsala University 

Target group/ entry requirements

Participants have to be principals, deputy principals or preschool leaders.
The programme is obligatory for new principals since 2011/03/15.


On completion of the training programme, headteachers shall have the knowledge and skills required to manage the work of realizing the goals of preschools, leisure time centres, schools or adult education institutions, as well as fulfilling the tasks in accordance with the provisions specifically laid down for headteachers in legislation. This applies to both municipal and independent schools.

Learning outcomes

The programme is on advanced level. In total there are 36 objectives  / learning outcomes in these three areas:

  • knowledge and understanding
  • skills and abilities
  • assessment abilities and approaches
Delivery mode

The programme runs for three years. Participants are supposed to use 20% of their working time for coursework. In total there are about 30 meeting days. During the meetings there are lectures, seminars and assignments. In between there are assignments. The literature is partly available on a learn­ ing platform (website).


literature, reports, written examination, classroom visits etc.


three years, about 30 meeting days, individual work

Certification / credits


Contact person

Helene Ärlestig

Website of institution
Module available at


Slovenia (1)


Classroom Management


Networks of Learning Schools 

Training institution

The NSLE (National School of Leadership in Education)

Target group/ entry requirements

The educational model of the Networks of Learning Schools  /  preschool institutions is appropriate for all teachers' or preschool teachers' assemblies, headteachers and members of teams for school development. The programme offers new opportunities for learning, co-operation and development to both individuals and schools  /  preschool institutions.


The programme focuses on problem solving in classroom management. One of the most important goals is to establish rules and learn about con­ flict management. Together with experts, development teams will design action plans and strategies to improve the practice of managing classes.

The programme is also related to the contents of a seminar and later on to the implementation of improvements.

Learning outcomes

Participants will identify principles of classroom management and relate them to the teacher's role. Special attention will be given to the concepts of the power of leaders and classroom management style because in many ways they have an impact on teachers' beliefs and values. After the first seminar, development teams will identify a narrower area of improvement together with co-workers.

Delivery mode
  • exchange of good practice among teachers  /  preschool teachers and schools  /  preschool institutions that participate in education and form the so-called "co-operation network"
  • educational programmes
  • cooperative activities
  • in-service training
  • professional debates among colleagues
  • mutual in-class observations
  • team problem solving
  • oral assessment
  • evaluation reports (special form)
  • internal and external evaluation
  • professional debates among colleagues

1 year  /  6 meetings for the development teams of the network

Certification / credits

certificate for one year of development and research work 

Contact person

Dr. Justina Erčulj

Website of institution
Module available at


Slovenia (2)


Communication in Educational Practice


Networks of Learning Schools

Training institution

The NSLE (National School of Leadership in Education)

Target group/ entry requirements

The educational model of the Networks of Learning Schools  /  preschool institutions is appropriate for all teachers' or preschool teachers' assemblies, headteachers and members of teams for school development. The programme offers new opportunities for learning, co-operation and development to both individuals and schools  /  preschool institutions.

  • to improve knowledge and skills in the field of communication
  • to become familiar with some of the most common forms of communication, such as conversations and meetings
  • to deepen knowledge on the fundamental principles of communication
  • to address issues that participants will discover when identifying areas of improvement
Learning outcomes

The programme will make an important contribution to better work in schools and therefore establish a possible approach to more effective schools. Participants will find out about the importance of an exchange among the teachers at a school about relevant issues concerning them all and of solving problems together. Teachers' knowledge of so-called general contents with which all teachers are confronted is of equal importance as their progress in the subjects they teach. Among the general contents dealt with are communication, introduction of changes, work with parents, home-class teaching, assessment and evaluation of pupils' knowledge, discipline in the classroom, and co-operation with co-workers.

Delivery mode
  • exchange of good practice among teachers  /  preschool teachers and schools  /  preschool institutions that participate in education and form the so-called "co-operation network"
  • educational programmes
  • cooperative activities
  • in-service training
  • professional debates among colleagues
  • mutual in-class observations
  • team problem solving
  • oral assessment
  • evaluation reports (special form)
  • internal and external evaluation
  • professional debates among colleagues

1 year  /  6 meetings for the development teams of the network

Certification / credits

certificate for one year of development and research work 

Contact person

Dr. Justina Erčulj

Website of institution
Module available at


Slovenia (3)


Strategies for Preventing Violence


Networks of Learning Schools

Training institution

The NSLE (National School of Leadership in Education)

Target group/ entry requirements

The educational model of the Networks of Learning Schools  /  preschool institutions is appropriate for all teachers' or preschool teachers' assemblies, headteachers and members of teams for school development. The programme offers new opportunities for learning, co-operation and development to both individuals and schools  /  preschool institutions.

  • to enable participants to deal more effectively and sensitively with violence in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools
  • to develop strategies for preventing violence
  • to create a non-violent atmosphere in educational institutions and families
Learning outcomes

Participants will observe the situation at their school and describe what forms of violence exist, what preventive activities are already being carried out and what current practices to cope with violence are like. They will

  • be given opportunities for self-reflection in relation to violence
  • learn to take responsibility for a tolerant attitude towards violence
  • learn about the importance of preventive activities on the one hand and sensible reactions in cases when violence has already occurred
  • develop strategies for preventing violence and creating a non-violent atmosphere
Delivery mode
  • an action plan  /  strategy for improvements in the preven­tion of violence
  • exchange of good practice among teachers teachers and schools  / preschool institutions that form the so-called "co-operation network"
  • educational programmes
  • cooperative activities
  • in-service training
  • professional debates among colleagues
  • mutual in-class observations
  • team problem solving

In the "network" evaluation, participants in the programme will particularly approve well-selected contents and process-oriented implementation.

  • oral assessment
  • evaluation reports (special form)
  • internal and external evaluation
  • professional debates among colleagues

1 year  /  6 meetings for the development teams of the network

Certification / credits

A certificate for one year of development and research work 

Contact person

Dr. Justina Erčulj

Website of institution
Module available at


Turkey (1)


Communication, E-Schooling, Live-Training


Teacher Training

Training institution

Öğretmen Akademisi Vakfı, ORAV, Garanti Bankası

Target group/ entry requirements

teachers at TAKEV Schools, administrators


The main aim of ORAV, an Istanbul-based board, is to support teachers who are aware of their personal and social responsibilities and know the impor­ tance of lifelong learning and investigation. It instructs the people who will teach students who own universal virtues and who will protect the cultural heritage of their nation.

ORAV designs scientific programmes that aim to support the personal and career development of teachers and educators. The board is planning to reach a higher number of participants by using modern technology, notably the Internet.

Learning outcomes
  • most importantly to make our society aware of the virtues of teachers,
    to enable teachers to train the young generations, and to support them in their mission to create the leaders of the future
  • to improve classroom management and communication skills
  • to develop new projects by presenting opportunities and sources effectively
  • to use trained teachers to train other colleagues and convey the responsibility of education by improving personal and professional skills
  • to elucidate that teaching is a profession which requires special knowledge, diverse skills and a respectful attitude
Delivery mode

lectures, group work


examination, written assignment, visual presentation


two weeks

Certification / credits

certificate of attendance 

Contact person

Kayhan Karlı

Website of institution
Module available at


Turkey (2)


Implementation of an Integrated Management Information System for Schools


Commercial software training

Training institution

BILSA K12KDS, hardware school programme

Target group/ entry requirements

teachers at TAKEV Schools, administrators, students and parents


BİLSA is a  team of more than 1,000 individuals who are committed to the idea of improving education in the K-12 sector. BİLSA works with more than 36,000 institutions and millions of users to focus on a single mission:
to create world-class education by transforming the experience of educa­tion. Today that means engaging and assessing learners, making their daily lives more convenient and secure, and keeping them informed and aware. It also means giving students more and more information. In short, wherever people are educating, in a K-12 school, a district or a state, we are helping to make it better.

Learning outcomes

Bilsa EMIS is a web-based, open architecture and centralized Education Management  Information System. It provides a uniquely integrated application framework that is specifically designed to allow K-12 educational institutions to plan, monitor, schedule and manage the full range of physical and academic resources.

Bilsa EMIS can assist district education authorities in analyzing the standar­ dized exam scores of each student in their school. Bilsa EMIS has the capability to electronically receive the exam results from the schools, to chart the scores, to view  the individual students that are included within the assessment, and to display pertinent information on each student, such as grades, attendance and more.

A question database, examination management, assessment and evaluation, as well as follow-up modules and their transfer to administrators, teachers, students and parents provide connectivity in education.

Delivery mode

blended learning


examination, written assignment, visual presentation


one academic year

Certification / credits

report cards

Contact person

Tamer Senyuva

Website of institution
Module available at

Domain 1. Political and cultural expectations and their translation into internal meaning and direction


1a. developing leading and managing change

School leaders play an important role in implementing changes in schools. They must be able to manage the organizational and educational processes that adapt school practices to external requirements.


1b. developing strategic planning for the school

In order to make effective and efficient changes, school leaders need to look to the outside and write strategic plans for future structures and culture.


1c. translating external requirements into internal meaning

Strategic plans need to be understood and accepted by the stakeholders involved and thus have to be conveyed in a plausible way.


1d. negotiating and communicating meaning, visions and mission statements

School leaders need to enter into communication and negotiations with stakeholders so as to produce visions and mission statements that stakeholders can buy into.


1e. fostering ethical standards

A pivotal aspect of planning and implementing changes involves the core purpose of schooling that builds on ethical, educational, political and cultural values. These values differ from context to context, but in many societies they will include procedures that guarantee fairness, justice and democracy.


Domain 2. Understanding and empowering teachers and other staff


2a. improving teaching and student learning

Student learning is at the centre of schooling, and teaching is an important support to that. School leaders thus need to create ideal conditions for teaching and learning.


2b. fostering teachers’ competencies in subject matters, didactics, methodologies, classroom management and ICT

School leaders must ensure that teachers acquire high competency levels through formal and informal in-service education, by access to appropriate learning materials and by having appropriate frameworks and good working conditions


2c. building team work and distributed leadership

A way to build learning communities for teachers is to encourage them to collaborate in teams and distribute leadership functions among them.


2d. ensuring performance management, assessment and evaluation

Collecting and analysing data on learning and teaching processes and outcomes are important aspects of improving learning and teaching


2e. developing efficient Human Resources Management

In order to help all teachers to develop their qualities and make effective use of them, school leaders need to build good HRM systems. This also includes taking care of teachers' psychological welfare


2f. creating a culture of professional learning

School leaders must build learning organizations that encourage teachers to experiment, discuss and share professional knowledge.


Domain 3. Structuring and culturing schools


3a. developing school leadership and management

Leadership is not only the function of the school head, but will need to involve staff across the school. Therefore leaders need to encourage and distribute leadership and create an appropriate management structure.


3b. creating organizational and communication culture

A positive school culture and open communication have been found to be related to school outcomes. School leaders play a key role in exemplifying and building a culture that is characterized by empathy, the ability to listen and understand, and by high expectations of students and staff.


3c. building appropriate organizational structures

A key leadership task is to ensure that a school has an organizational structure which is in harmony with the culture of the school, aims to maximize students' learning opportunities, and encourages teachers to be leaders in their classrooms.


3d. planning and managing human and material / financial resources

School leaders need to put in place rational, effective and efficient processes that keep the school functioning on a day-to-day basis while being prepared for future developments and possibilities.


3e. ensuring transparent decision-making

Fairness and openness in decision-making need to be ensured by providing clear rationales and structures that assure equity while taking into account individual differences and needs among students and staff.


Domain 4. Working with partners and the external environment


4a. building and maintaining relationships with parents, the wider school community and national/local/school authorities

Parents and the community are key stakeholders in a school and can strongly influence pupils' success. Developing and maintaining parental support is therefore vital. Planning sustainable schools requires good relationships with national/local/school authorities.


4b. cooperating with agencies and organizations/institutions outside school at local, national or international level

Schools can benefit significantly from collaborating with other agencies such as local businesses, charities, social and health services etc. Developing positive relationships across different organizational cultures in a non-hierarchical relationship is therefore important.


4c. networking with other schools

Research shows that school-to-school networking and collaboration can create a strong mechanism for school improvement. Developing joint projects and networks with other schools therefore offers good opportunities to engage in professional learning.


Domain 5. Personal development and growth


5a. developing and maintaining leadership competencies through continuous personal development (CPD)

The rapidly changing environment that schools are working in requires of leaders to be lifelong learners who continue to develop their personal, pedagogical and leadership skills and competencies through formal or informal professional learning activities.


5b. building peer networks at local, national or internationallevel

Peer-to-peer networking has been shown to be one of the most effective forms of professional learning. This is not just restricted to working with peers in the same locality, but is increasingly done in national and international networks of leaders.


Modules by country

List of qualification modules by country

Austria (1) Conflict Management
Austria (2) Staff Development
Switzerland Competence Portfolio Development
Germany (1) Quality development and change management
Germany (2) Human Resources Management 
Germany (3) Leadership Competencies
Denmark From Teacher to Leader
Estonia (1) Managing the Development of the Organisation
Estonia (2) Personnel Management
Estonia (3) Resource Management
Estonia (4) Self-Management
Estonia (5) Shaping the Study Environment
Spain (1) Educational Organization and Regulation
Spain (2) Quality Management in Schools
Spain (3) Pedagogical and Social Resources Management
Hungary (1) Management of Changes in School
Hungary (2) Project Manager Training
Ireland (1) Research Methodology
Ireland (2) The Person of the Leader: Human and Professional
Ireland (3) The Enterprise of Education
Ireland (4) Leading Learning
Ireland (5) Leading People
Ireland (6) Leading the Organisation
Iceland School Development and Evaluation
Italy - South Tyrol (1) Legal Basics for School Heads ("Alles, was Recht ist")
Italy - South Tyrol (2) External Evaluation in the German schools of South Tyrol
Italy - South Tyrol (3) IQES - A Tool for Quality Development and Evaluation in Schools
Lithuania (3) Creation and Introduction of Self-Evaluation Tools for Schools 
Lithuania (4) Creation and Introduction of Self-Evaluation Tools for Schools
Norway Leading Learning (Module 2 of a training consisting of four modules) 
Poland (1) Various Types of Educational Conflicts and Techniques of Solving Them
Poland (2) Management is an art. How to become a master?
Poland (3) Leaders Direct Educational Change
Romania (1) Active Methods of Teaching-Learning Evaluation
Romania (2) Ethics and Professional Deontology 
Romania (3) Quality Management in Education
Russia (1) Strategic Planning of School Development in Changing Conditions
Russia (2) Law in Education (Право в образовании)
Russia (3) Economy and Financing in Education (Экономика и финансы в образовании)
Russia (4) Monitoring  /  data collection (Мониторинг)
Sweden (1) Legislation on Schools and the Role of Exercising the Functions of an Authority
Sweden (2) Management by Goals and Objectives
Sweden (3) School Leadership
Slovenia (1) Classroom Management
Slovenia (2) Communication in Educational Practice
Slovenia (3) Strategies for Preventing Violence
Turkey (1) Communication, E-Schooling, Live-Training
Turkey (2) Implementation of an Integrated Management Information System for Schools

Video: Good Schools

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