This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The General Direction for Quality, Innovation and Teacher Education

The General Direction for Quality, Innovative and Teacher Edu­cation is a principal administrative unit of the Consejería de Edu­cación, which is the Department of Education of the Auto­nomous Government of Castilla y León. Its responsibilities are in the areas of educational statistics, the educational website of the region, quality, innovation, and teacher education, ICT in education and European projects.

The General Direction is composed of four units of which the Unit for Innovative Education will be directly involved in this project. This unit is also responsible for the COMENIUS and GRUNDTVIG actions in the LLLP for the region and coordinates projects with the northern and central regions of Portugal.

The Spanish partner is highly experienced in educational cam­paigns and therefore interested in spreading awareness-raising information for use in Spain and beyond. The Innovative Edu­cation Unit will be responsible for the implementation of the project in the region, but our General Direction has also asked the Teacher Education Unit to participate in the project in their role as an initial and in-service training institution for head teachers at the 16 Teacher Training and Educational Innovation Centres in Castilla y León.

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